Mountain Laurel Playschool is located on the beautiful campus of Christmount Christian Assembly. We serve children 12months- 5 years old. We are a cooperative play-based preschool built on teacher and parent engagement to foster a strong community. Some of our students parents will assist our amazing teachers in the classroom. Our nature of co-op means that we believe that our families are given the opportunity to play an integral role both in their children’s education and in the school as a whole. Teaching our children to navigate social interactions is crucial to being an important member of their community. Understanding and respecting each other is vital to allow our children to grow in self-confidence, empathy and respect for others. We strive to celebrate our differences and unique personalities. We can all learn from each other and we can strive to foster an environment that is honoring growth. The students will have opportunities for gardening, creek play, chicken care, and outdoor exploration along with a full classroom for play, music, art, etc.