
Mountain Laurel Playschool has two sessions per day.

Morning; Sunrise Session runs 8:00-12:30pm M-F.

Full-Day Session runs 8:00-4:30pm M-F.

Cooperative Families attend our Sunrise Session from 8:00- 12:30pm. Cooperative Families may attend Full-Day Session for an additional fee.

Non-assist Families may enroll in both Sunrise and Full-Day Sessions. Morning 8:00am-12:30pm and Full-Day 8:00am-4:30pm.

Cooperative Families:

Sunrise Session

5/Day: $715/Month

Full-Day Session

5/Day: $955/Month

Non-assist Families:

Full-Day Session Sunrise Session

5/Day: $1065/Month 5/Day: $825/Month

4/Day: $870/Month 4/Day: $680/Month

3/Day: $655/Month 3/Day: $510/Month

2/Day: $435/Month

Tuition should be paid on the 1st and 15th (if paying bi-weekly) or on the 1st (if paying monthly). Tuition is due before care is provided. A late payment of $50 is due when tuition is not paid on time. A 10% discount will be applied to annual tuition paid in full by the first day of school.

Cooperative families are expected to provide a parent/ guardian for one Sunrise Session per week to assist in the classroom. Each family becomes responsible for a specific day of the week. More than two uncovered absences throughout the year will result in the discounted portion of the tuition becoming due. It is the responsibility of the co-op families to ensure schedule compliance. If interested in this opportunity please contact us to discuss further.

  • If your payment is more than two weeks late your spot may be terminated.

  • If we are closed due to a holiday, tuition in full is still due for that period of time.

  • If your child is ill, tuition in full is still due.

Payment may be made by check made out to Mountain Laurel Playschool or by Wave through invoices.


We leave decisions regarding childhood immunizations up to each child’s parents.

Illness Policy

Our illness policy has been developed to establish a consistent guideline for our families to follow. Our goal is to decrease the illness spread from one child to another. One child’s illness can affect the group as a whole so it is important to keep your child home if they have one of the following symptoms/illnesses:

  • Fever (101 degree or higher)

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

  • Flu

  • Unusual rash

  • Severe cold

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Head lice

  • Covid

  • Contagious illness of any sort

  • Too ill or fatigued to participate in daily activities

 Termination Policy

Your contract with Mountain Laurel Cooperative may be terminated by the parent by giving a 4-week notice prior to the ending day. The parent must pay for the last 4-weeks of tuition after giving notice if the child attends school or not. The contract may be terminated by Mountain Laurel Playschool without any notice at the discretion of the management of Mountain Laurel Playschool.